Wedding cakes
The wedding cake has already been known by ancient Greeks and Romans. Wedding sweets were a symbol of marriage. They were also made as an offering to ancient gods. Nowadays a wedding cake cut by the newly married couple should be present at every wedding reception - even the most modest one.
The size of the layer cake
The size of the layer cake depends on the number of present guests. The repeat of the reception, at which, reportedly, everything tastes much better, is worth taking into consideration as well. .In effect one usually multiplies 0.10kg by the number of guests, and then adds the so-called reserve for second helpings. For example for 60 people 0.10 x 60 = 6kg + 2kg of the reserve. The layer cake placed on the stand can even be 7 storeyed.
It can also have any shape: circle, heart, hexagon etc. A rectangular layer cake can also have several levels (without the stand), but one ought to remember that bottom portions of the layer cake do not look that flashily because they are not decorated. The size of the layer cake, in case of the Woźniak bakery, has no limitations.
Taste of the Layer cake
Each storey can have a different taste, we can also prepare a layer cake of one taste. We offer 34 tastes to choose from. The particularly popular ones are: tiramisu, royal(chocolatelayer cake with alcohol), strawberry, cherry, peach, yoghurt with pineapples, cream with nuts and Hungarian with fruit from liqueur.
At each of our shops the customer can look at the photographs of the patterns which have been made so far. In accordance with your wishes we can modify them. There are many manners of decoration. The layer cake can be richly adorned with fruit, chocolates, sugar- flowers etc. The top layer of the layer cake can have a different colour than the centre (the white, the deep-red, the blue etc.). It may, for example, match the interior decorations of the room or the bunch Of the bride. At present decorating the wedding- layer cake with grey flowers became very fashionable. It gives magnificent effects.These same flowers in the bunch, on the table, on the sweet layer cake. The fashion of crowning of this exceptional confectioner’s work changes slowly as well. More and more seldom this is the statuette of the newlyweds. It is being replaced with sugar- compositions,eg. wedding rings.
Photo - cake
Photo cakes are very popular, not only on the occasion of wedding receptions, but also other ceremonies, eg. engagements.The photo visible on the layer cake is entirely edible. We prepare it using food colouring dyes usually printed on the wafer. The photo can be both coloured and black and white.
Wedding breads
For greeting of the newlyweds we bake specially adorned breads with doves and a place for salt.